Its Time to Address Criminal Justice Reform

This is a racial problem, but it is also a power problem. When we build a culture of power and authority with impunity, when we arm our police departments like military organizations, when we make ordinary, decent people criminals through unjust laws, and when we authorize the theft of civil asset forfeiture, we are all complicit in upholding a system that is corrupt and tends toward the abuse of power.

Its long past time for this to change.

How Do I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

You know all those lawyer commercials where they proudly announce that the lawyer only gets paid if they get a recovery for you? Well, guess what? Every personal injury lawyer has the same model. It is called a contingent fee, and it means the lawyer’s only fee is a percentage of what he recovers for you. No recovery – no fee. Simple. And universal. If a lawyer’s only selling point is “no recovery – no fee” you must wonder if they have anything unique to offer you at all. Will they treat you with the respect and attentiveness that you deserve? Will they work to achieve your goals or their own? Do they have the personnel and resources to handle your case properly?

Injured On The Job – Can I Sue?

We get calls all the time from people who were injured on the job. They understand the basics of workers compensation law, but they also realize that workers compensation will never adequately compensate them for the pain, suffering, and disability they are enduring,...

Construction Is Starting Again!

The Dubin Law Group is very excited to be moving into a new office on N. 85th Street in Greenwood this summer. However, with the "stay at home" order, construction was halted on March 23 with no end in sight. Fortunately, this morning Governor Inslee announced that in...

Working From Home

So, its April 23 and we're all still working from home. I have to tell you: I love my wife and son, but I really miss going to the office every day. I miss the routine of it. I miss the in-person interactions with my friends and co-workers. Honestly, I even miss the...


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