Why are so many pedestrians dying?

Pedestrians in America are being killed in accidents with motor vehicles at an alarming rate. According to a 2020 report from the Governors Highway Safety Association, more than 6,500 were killed in 2019 alone -- and that’s the largest number of pedestrian deaths in...

Yellow lights and the point of no return

Have you ever had a light suddenly go from green to yellow in front of you on the road, leaving you unsure what you should do? You feel like you’re too far to just keep driving, but you’re too close to be able to stop.  This is known as the point of no return. Maybe...

Reasons to travel on Seattle’s buses

There are many reasons to hop on a bus in Seattle rather than drive your car. You can save hassle in the morning by putting your kids on the school bus. You can take the Metro to work and catch up on some reading along the way. You can even use the interstate coach...

3 types of hit-and-run accidents

Being in an accident is bad enough. When the person that caused the accident does not stop, it makes it even worse. You are left wondering how you will cover the costs of damage and injuries. Failing to stop after an accident where there is injury or death is a...

Many distractions can affect driver safety

Drivers who are distracted are risky for everyone around them. They aren’t focused on the roadway and can’t make the decisions they need to get to their destination safely. It’s important for all drivers to ensure they understand how important it is to avoid...


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