Seattle drivers are likely to have a collision every 6.9 years

Do you drive in Seattle? Do you find yourself complaining about Seattle drivers? Maybe you think you're being too hard on your home town drivers, but maybe there's some truth in your complaints. Possibly a whole lot of truth. In a recent report from Allstate Insurance...

When is bus accident reporting mandatory?

Washington state residents get around the state in many different ways. While many individuals rely on personal motor vehicles to travel within the state, other individuals rely on public transportation. Of the many public transportation options, buses are common. It...

Don’t be a road rage victim – Video

The other day, as I was driving home from work I had an encounter I want to share with you. I was driving on Interstate 5 in the left lane, but I was approaching my exit, so I engaged my turn signal and began to merge to the middle lane. Shortly after I started...


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