Matt Dubin Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Announcing the Lifetime Achievement selection of Matthew D. Dubin among America's Top 100 Attorneys®. Lifetime Achievement selection to America's Top 100 Attorneys® is by invitation only and is reserved to identify the nation's most exceptional attorneys whose...

Judge or Jury

When most people think of a trial, they imagine a courtroom scene with a judge, a bailiff, the parties and lawyers, and a jury of twelve people who get to decide the case. While this is a fairly common scene, it isn't always how it works. Either side in a civil trial...

Get the rental car coverage

What do you do when your car has been damaged in an accident and you need to get around. Whether your car is a total loss or whether it can be repaired, you still need some alternative method of transportation while you are without a vehicle. If the wreck was caused...

Snowy roads are no excuse for negligence

Well, its snowing again in Seattle and the surrounding areas. Many northwest drivers don't have much opportunity to drive in the snow, and may be unprepared to do so. Making matters worse, our cities and towns are poorly equipped to handle any accumulation of snow and...


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