Are women more apt than men to be injured in a car crash?

On Behalf of | May 25, 2021 | Car Accidents

While motor vehicle safety features may have improved over the years, from improving seat belts, air bags and crumple zones, that does not mean that a serious car crash in Seattle cannot lead to severe injuries. And, despite these improvements, according to one report women are more apt than men to lose their lives in an auto accident.

The statistics

According to one report women are between 20% to 28% more apt than men to lose their lives in a car crash. Moreover, even if they survive, women are 37% to 73% more apt than men to suffer serious injuries in a car crash.

Why are more women dying in car crashes?

One reason suggested for why women are more apt to lose their life in a car crash is that women often choose to drive smaller, lighter vehicles than men. It may go without saying that if a heavier vehicle such as a pickup truck crashes in a small four-door sedan, the pickup truck has physics on its side and will likely fare better than the sedan in the collision. And, according to one report, in side-impact and front-to-rear collisions, men are more apt to be behind the wheel of the vehicle striking the other vehicle, meaning they generally have a lower risk of suffering injuries in an auto accident.

Learn more about car accidents in Seattle

While according to this report, women are especially vulnerable in car crashes, the fact is that anyone involved in a car crash can be seriously injured or killed, regardless of their gender. This post is for educational purposes only and does not contain legal advice. Those in Seattle who want to learn more about their rights in car crashes may find our firm’s website on this topic informative.


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