Jury in deliberation for Ride the Ducks crash in Seattle

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2019 | Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents

Negligence is often the cause of an automobile accident. However, this negligence can come from various parties. It could be the operator of a vehicle, as they were not safely driving the vehicle. It could also be the owner of the vehicle, as they failed to keep up the maintenance of the vehicle. It could also be a third party, such as those worked on the vehicle. Thus, it is important for victims of any type of collision to consider all liable parties for the accident they were harmed in or where a loved one was killed in.

Residents in Seattle are likely aware of the Ride the Ducks crash back in 2015. In this crash, five people were killed and another 60 were injured. Following this incident, the victims and the loved ones of the deceased filed a civil action, and according to recent reports, this action is currently under deliberation.

Based on court documents, Ride the Ducks carries most of the blame for the crash of the amphibious vehicle that crashed on the Aurora Bridge. The makers of the vehicle knew of the dangers that the wheel’s axle housing could pose. But, they did nothing to alert safety agencies or customers. It is reported that, on behalf of more than 40 victims and family members, over $300 million is damages is being sought.

It is hard to imagine losing a loved one, and losing a loved one in an automobile accident is not only shocking, but also life altering. It can be difficult to process this event, making it a challenge to navigate a legal action following a fatal car accident. There is a timeframe for a wrongful death action to be filed, making it vital that surviving loved one explore their rights and options in a timely basis.


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