Parking lot crashes increase during the holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2018 | Car Accidents

One thing that goes with the holiday season is shopping. While many residents in Washington State and elsewhere turn to online shopping to take care of their gift list, many still drive to stores and purchase items in person. Because of this, malls and other major stores are still filled with vehicles. Most consider the drive to and from the store or mall to be the most dangerous, but many forget how dangerous parking lots can be.

Whether the parking lot is busy or not, if a driver is not paying attention or is traveling too fast, a collision could occur with another vehicle or a pedestrian. While these might be slow moving accidents, they can still be serious and even deadly. According to the National Safety Council, it is estimated that roughly 50,000 car accidents occur each year in parking lots and parking garages.

These numbers are just estimates, as parking lots and structures are considered private property. Thus, there are no official statistics for them. Nonetheless, data from insurance companies suggests that these are not just minor fender-benders. Some are rather serious. In fact, it is estimated that around 60,000 injuries occur because of parking lot accidents each year.

Congestion and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be blamed for the increase in these types of accidents during the holidays. And, it was found that a major reason parking lot accidents occur is because the driver is setting their GPS or texting while driving.

When a parking lot accident occurs, those harmed in the crash should take the time to fully understand the matter. Legal recourses may be available, and a personal injury action could help an injured victim address damages, such as medical bills, pain and suffering, rehabilitation, lost wages and other related damages.


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