Does speeding account for serious and fatal accidents?

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2018 | Car Accidents

Nowadays, everyone seems to be in a rush. Maybe they have a busy day, have too much on their plate or are juggling their work and family. Whatever the reasons, residents in Washington and other states always seem to be going somewhere. The roads filled with motorists prove this. While some are not in a rush to get to their final destination, others might be on a time crunch. This can compel a driver to hit the gas pedal, going much faster than the speed limit.

Going a mile or two over the speed limit might seem minimal, and most cases it is. However, traveling 10, 15, 20 and even 25 over the posted speed limit is very dangerous. Vehicles could lose control, be unable to stop in time or drift off the roadway due to inclement weather. Whatever the case, speeding could result in a serious automobile collision.

Does speeding account for serious and fatal accidents? According to statistics from 2016, 10,111 people were killed that year. This accounts for 27 percent of the traffic fatalities occurring that year. Even more so, speeding was involved in roughly one-third of all fatal accidents occurring over the past two decades. Speeding not only impacts a driver’s safety but also the safety of their passengers and other travelers on the roadway.

Speeding creates many dangers. It causes a greater potential for losing control of the vehicle, reduces the effectiveness of occupant protection equipment, increases degree of crash severity and the increased severity of resulting injuries. Those harmed in an accident caused by a speeding driver have legal recourses available to them. A personal injury claim could help the injured victim hold a negligent driver accountable as well as with the recovery of compensation to cover losses and damages.

Source:, “Speeding,” accessed March 11, 2018


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