Preventing fatal car accidents

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2016 | Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents

A car accident can be scary for any individual. The accident can cause serious injuries to those involved. However, in the most serious of situations, car accidents can be fatal. Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of workplace fatalities. They are also the number one cause of death to children and young adults between the ages of five and 24. For toddlers and older adults, car accidents are the number two cause of death in the United States.

These harrowing statistics can leave people feeling like there’s nothing that can be done to prevent these types of accidents. However, all drivers can take steps to make the roads a safer place. There are things that everyone on Washington State’s roadways can do to help prevent these types of deadly accidents.

First of all, drivers can avoid distractions. Data shows that 1.3 million accidents can be attributed to the use of cell phones while on the roadway. If drivers put these devices away, they can avoid serious and deadly accidents.

Additionally, many fatal accidents can be avoided if people avoid drinking and driving. Impaired driving causes around one-third of all fatal motor vehicle accidents in the United States. Around 10,000 people were killed by drunk drivers in 2015.

Seatbelt use can also reduce the risk of fatal accidents. Drivers who properly restrained children and wear safety belts themselves can help to reduce the injuries suffered in car accidents. Drivers can also avoid accidents by slowing down and being attentive to those on the roadways.

Whatever the cause, a fatal car accident can be devastating to Washington families. Families who have lost a loved one in a fatal car accident need to understand their legal rights. A wrongful death suit can help compensate these families for their losses. An attorney can help to explain when a wrongful death lawsuit is appropriate.


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