Injured on a King County METRO Bus – Do I need a lawyer?

On Behalf of | Nov 16, 2015 | Bus Accidents

Metro bus.jpgYou were minding your business, just trying to get home from work on your daily bus commute. Perhaps you were reading a book, or listening to music. All of a sudden – BOOM! – The bus was in a collision and your body was thrown around. Perhaps a part of your body hit a post, a window, or a part of a seat. Perhaps your neck or back were strained by the impact. Either way, you are hurt and it’s getting worse. What do you do next?

Claims resulting from bus accidents can be complicated, and there are several questions that need to be answered right away. Who was responsible for causing the accident? Who will pay for your necessary medical treatment? Who do you need to report to with your claim?

The answers to these questions are not always apparent, and if you get them wrong, your necessary treatment could be delayed, and you could even lose your right to make a claim for your injuries.

For example, King County METRO busses do not carry no-fault medical payments coverage. That means, even if the accident was the bus driver’s fault, you need to find some other way to get your bills paid. Ultimately, with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer, you may get a recovery from King County, but not until the conclusion of your case, and not until the bulk of your treatment costs have already been incurred.

If you or someone you love has been injured while riding a bus, or if a bus caused an accident with the vehicle you were driving, call a personal injury lawyer and get your questions answered. You’ll be glad you did.


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