Acknowledging the resistance to making a claim

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2015 | Car Accidents

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Occasionally I am contacted by a person who was injured in a car wreck and is wondering if he has a case. When I review the facts and advise him that he does indeed have a claim, he is reluctant to pursue the claim. He recognizes that the collision was not the result of maliciousness, but by a moment of inattention. He doesn’t want to ruin anyone’s life and he doesn’t want the “bad karma” that comes from suing someone.

Of course, the decision to make a claim for damages following an injury is a personal one and I respect that. However, you should recognize that when you are injured due to someone else’s carelessness, you have lost something of great value. Your physical well-being is worth something. Your ability to go to work and spend time with your family has value. When that is taken away, the law recognizes your right to get a monetary recovery. The money may not undo the harm, but it can certainly help.

I was recently interviewed on this topic by Florida law firm Kaiser Romanello. In that interview, I explained that when we make a claim for damages we are not trying to ruin anyone’s life or take their home. We are not even trying to place blame. We are just trying to get fair compensation, usually from an insurance company, for what was lost. Once a person understands this, he is less reluctant to pursue a claim for what he lost in the wreck, and we are happy to help him do just that.

Click here for my complete interview.


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