Staying safe near transit buses

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2015 | Bus Accidents

In large cities like Seattle, mass transit systems are extremely important. City busses allow large groups of people to easily and cost-effectively move around the city. Without a proper mass transit system, many people who could not afford cars could be stranded and others would be stuck dealing with even larger amounts of traffic. While city buses provide a valuable service to the residents of Seattle, they can also pose some danger. These large buses can easily cause serious injuries to pedestrians and other drivers should a bus accident occur.

According to Sound Transit, there are a few ways for people to stay safe and avoid injuries around city buses. In many cases, staying alert can help to avoid injuries. Sound Transit recommends that bus passengers look for other vehicles as they leave the bus. This could prevent pedestrians from getting hit by another car when exiting a bus. People should also allow a bus to pull away before crossing a street.

Another important way to stay safe around a city bus is to allow the bus to come to a complete stop before going near a bus. Sound Transit recommends that people not run after a bus, attempt to exit or board a bus that is moving or try to hail a bus that has pulled away from a stop. People should only attempt to board a city bus at a designated bus stop, after other passengers have exited the bus.

While these safety tips can be important for avoiding injuries in some cases, sometimes injuries are caused as a result of driver negligence. When bus drivers do not give their full attention to the job, injuries can easily occur. When a person has been injured in a bus crash, the person should understand the person’s rights. An attorney can help people understand their right to compensation following a bus accident.


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