Keep yourself safe — pedestrian safety tips

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2015 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents

In large cities, like Seattle, it is not unusual for people to walk more than they drive a vehicle. With the city’s mass transit system and the close proximity between business and residential areas, pedestrian traffic is significant.

People should know, however, that pedestrians can be at great danger. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a pedestrian is killed every two hours in the United States, and more than 400 people across the country are treated for injuries related to auto-pedestrian accidents every 24 hours. In 2012, this meant that 76,000 people were injured and 4,743 people were killed after being hit by a car.

With such staggering statistics, it is important that people know how to keep themselves safe while walking around the city. It is especially important that children understand how to be safe around cars and trucks since they are at the greatest risk of injuries and pedestrian death — one in four child traffic deaths are pedestrians victims.

By following simple safety tips, people can help to prevent dangerous and deadly accidents. In particular, people should always use a sidewalk. If the sidewalk is not available, people should walk facing traffic. Additionally, people should make sure to wear reflective clothing or carry a flashlight when walking at night, otherwise it could be difficult to be seen. Finally, where available, people should use marked intersections and crosswalks when crossing a street.

Even when following these safety tips, people can get hurt in traffic accidents. In these cases, negligent drivers are often to blame. An attorney can help to hold negligent drivers responsible for people’s injuries. A personal injury suit could result in compensation for a pedestrian victim.


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