Find peace of mind after a bus accident with our help

On Behalf of | Sep 10, 2014 | Bus Accidents

Mass transit is important in large cities like Seattle. Buses, in particular, provide a valuable service and help to keep traffic to a minimum. However, these large vehicles can present a hazard to others. Without the right care, people inside the buses, bicyclists, pedestrians and other vehicles can be put at risk. The large size of a bus can easily cause massive injuries resulting in significant and unexpected expenses for crash victims.

In cases like these, people may be unsure of how to proceed or where to turn. Our firm has the experience you need help. First, you may need to determine what kind of bus caused the accident — a school bus, private charter or King County Metro bus, for example — since the action taken may be different in each case.

We can assist you in determining all of the potential responsible parties through an investigation. Our firm understands the importance of a private investigation and how to conduct such an examination. This investigation can help to undercover the bus driver’s driving record, information about the bus company and any other potentially important facts about the accident. We can use the information discovered in the investigation to assemble the evidence necessary to bring a lawsuit.

In a personal injury suit, you can hold all negligent parties responsible for your injuries. Our firm has the courtroom experience necessary to ensure that you have the chance to be heard in court. We understand the specific rules for bringing suits against companies — both public and private. If these rules aren’t followed you may have a difficult time collecting the compensation you need and deserve.

For more information about how our firm can help you following a bus accident, please see our Seattle bus accident webpage.


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