Fifteen-year-old driver fails to yield and causes crash

On Behalf of | Jul 2, 2014 | Car Accidents

Drivers in Washington State often encounter drivers who fail to follow the rules of the road. This might amount to motorists speeding, crossing the centerline, rolling through a stop sign or using their phone. In some cases, this form of negligence does not affect the driver or those traveling on the roadway. Despite the fact that these careless behaviors might not result in an accident, they could easily be the cause of a serious car crash. This is why all drivers should always uphold their duty of care while behind the wheel.

The Washington State Patrol was recently dispatched to the site of a two-car crash that occurred in Prosser. According to preliminary reports, the accident happened around 5:54 p.m. on State Route 22. Officers believe that a 15-year-old driver who failed to yield to an oncoming car caused the accident.

The negligent driver was traveling northbound on State Route 22 when he or she failed to stop for traffic. The vehicle collided with a car traveling west on the highway at the intersection. This resulted in both drivers suffering injuries. Both were transported to the hospital for medical treatment.

The accident is still under investigation and police officers cited the 15-year-old driver for failure to yield. In addition to this traffic citation, the driver could face civil liabilities for the injuries and damages he caused. Those injured in the accident could file a personal injury claim in an attempt to recover compensation for the damages they incurred from the car crash. In most cases, an injured party is left with bills for medical treatment and rehabilitation as well as lost wages due to missed work. Filing a claim could help a victim alleviate these losses.

When a negligent driver causes an individual to suffer injuries and financial and emotional damages, the victim should understand his or her rights in the situation. Getting advice from a professional about the legal remedies available to him or her could help put the situation in perspective and allow a victim to determine what path to take when it comes to seeking compensation.

Source: Yakima Herald, “15-year-old driver blamed for crash near Prosser,” Kristin M. Kraemer, June 30, 2014


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