New helmet works to prevent motorcycle accidents

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2014 | Motorcycle Accidents

A new type of motorcycle helmet is set to start testing later this spring. This helmet – called the smart phone of helmets – helps to protect Washington motorcyclists from the dangers of riding a motorcycle. This helmet is equipped with a rear-view camera that gives drivers feedback to a screen in the corner of the helmet.

Creators of the helmet say this is particularly important as it will help motorcyclists’ spot dangers in the event that they need to turn their head away from the road – to read a road sign, for example. While this motion used to create blind spots, the camera will open a view to motorists. Furthermore, the helmet is equipped with GPS which will help motorcyclists keep their attention on the road instead of trying to figure out where they are going.

While advances in technology, like this helmet, can go a long way in preventing serious motorcycle accidents, these types of accidents will still occur. In many cases, these accidents are caused by other negligent drivers who fail to pay attention to motorcycles. These drivers fail to yield to motorcycles, don’t check their blind spots or just plain ignore motorcycles.

When a motorcycle accident does occur, helmets – like this new one – help to prevent serious injuries to motorcyclists. However, helmets alone do not prevent all injuries. Motorcycles offer very little protection for their riders and cars cause serious damage. Road rash, broken bones and traumatic brain injuries are all common with motorcycle accidents.

These injuries can be costly to riders – many of whom did nothing wrong. A civil suit can help these injured motorcyclists by holding negligent drivers financially responsible.

Source:, “A new high-tech motorcycle helmet – it sees what you may have missed.,” Michael Taylor, Feb. 7, 2014


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