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Seattle Personal Injury Lawyers – Auto Accidents

I represent victims of auto accidents my typical client is just an ordinary average person who’s probably never had an attorney before and I’m representing them generally against large insurance companies Seattle roads definitely contribute to the number of auto accidents we see here not just Seattle but in the whole Puget Sound area our freeway system is very congested and there are a lot of rear-end collisions on the freeway in addition once you get into the cities there are a lot of narrow roads one-way streets and strange stop signs and intersections that all contribute to a large number of auto accidents anyone can be involved in an auto accident at just about any time the majority of auto accidents that I see are the result of a moment of carelessness or inattention by a driver people definitely run the risk of jeopardizing their case if they try to talk to the insurance company without representation I’ve been injured myself in an auto accident and suffered a severe back injury my wife has also been injured in an auto accident so I have the unique perspective of being both an injured person and a family member of an injured person we’ve got the experience and the skill necessary to get you the best possible recovery for your injury.