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Seattle Personal Injury Attorney – How Do I Get My Car Fixed

You’ve been in a car accident you’ve seen a doctor and you’ve got an appropriate treatment plan now you’re asking yourself how do I get my car fixed I’m Seattle personal injury attorney Matt doback join me now as I discuss the mechanics of a property damage claim in the state of Washington when your cars damaged in an accident there are two primary types of insurance that will cover the damage your own collision coverage or the other drivers liability coverage each has advantages and disadvantages your own collision coverage is no fault which means you don’t need to establish who is responsible for causing the accident however collision coverage generally carries a deductible or an out-of-pocket amount you need to pay before the insurance will cover the damage to your car now if the other driver or their insurance is disputing liability for causing the accident and you need to get your car fixed right away it might make the most sense for you to go through your own collision coverage pay the deductible out of pocket and get your car fixed later when you establish that the other driver was responsible for causing the accident you should be able to recover any out-of-pocket payments you made on the other hand if the other driver and their insurance is accepting responsibility for the accident it might make more sense for you to go through their liability coverage when you use the other drivers liability coverage there is no deductible or out-of-pocket expense to you and they should repair your car to exactly the condition it was in before the collision took place now regardless of whether you use your own collision coverage or the other drivers liability coverage the procedure is essentially the same you’ll get a call from an insurance rep to schedule an appointment either to have an inspector come to your car or to have you drop off your car in a shop so they can assess the damage and write up a repair estimate if the damage is above a certain threshold it may be determined that your car is a total loss in which case the insurance company will make you an offer for the value of your car now you’re not stuck with the the offer that the insurance company makes to you they base that offer on a database of sales of comparable cars within a geographic area however if you can establish that your car is worth more you may be able to get more than what the insurance company initially offers you it’s important to remember when you’re talking to the insurance company to discuss only the damage to your car and the arrangements to getting your car repaired you should never discuss the details of the accident your injuries or your medical treatment without a qualified personal injury attorney at your side and once you’ve got your car repaired or you’ve got the arrangements made to get your car repaired you should have a little more peace of mind so you can focus on your medical treatment and getting your life back to normal and that’s how a property damage claim works in the state of Washington if you have any more questions check out our website or give us a call we’d love to hear from you.