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Know what to do when you get into an accident

Once the accident happens people don’t know I’ll tell you after I had been practicing law for a few years I was in a rear-end accident and the adrenaline was flowing and I was so surprised that I had been hit it’s not something you expect all of a sudden you’re going about your day and boom something totally different just happened what do I do I’m a personal injury lawyer and I was confused I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t think and and around the back of this room on the cocktail tables and on the back table is my flyer it’s called what to do if you’re in an accident I urge you to take that with you and stick it in the glove compartment of your car it’s it’s a guide when you’re in shock and when the adrenaline is flowing and when you’re confused and you don’t know what to do you pull it out and it gives you step-by-step instructions here’s what I do and here’s the blanks that I fill in for the witnesses information for the guy who hit me his information for the insurance company maybe I’ll take pictures of the scene in the car everybody has a camera on them these days tell you a story about a guy who came to see me he was going through an unrestricted intersection no stop sign no lights in a neighborhood it was night he’s going through the intersection he’s halfway through the intersection this guy comes up the hill blind crest of the hill and t-bones him in the intersection it’s a simple case right he was in the intersection first he got t-boned well week later the guy who hit him said he didn’t have as headlights on I couldn’t see him he didn’t have his headlights on and the passenger in that car that hit him said that’s right he didn’t have his headlights on how could we be expected to see him without his headlights well he said that’s not true my headlights were on because when he hit me and I was up against that brick wall my headlights were reflecting on the brick wall and that witness who helped force open my car door to get me out of the car he must have seen my headlights shining on that wall when he helped me out and I said okay give me his number he didn’t have his number he didn’t have his name he didn’t know anything about him he spent the next two weeks canvassing that neighborhood knocking on every door trying to find that guy or anybody who saw the accident to say his headlights were on but we couldn’t find anybody and in the end we couldn’t prove his case and he ended up not getting anything we had to withdraw you just don’t always remember what to do when you’re in that state of mind so my book isn’t just for people who have been in accidents who already have injury claims it’s for anyone who drives or anyone who rides in a car or anyone who walks on the sidewalk seriously you need to know your rights if you’re hit by a car so is there anyone who doesn’t do any of those things.