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Have A Safe 4th of July – Seattle Personal Injury Attorney – Matthew D. Dubin

Well once again it’s the fourth of July and as we celebrate the independence of our nation with our friends and families it’s important to remember to be safe if you haven’t met me at I’m Seattle personal injury attorney Matt Dubin I’m in the East Lake neighborhood of Seattle getting ready to celebrate Independence Day with my own family but I wanted to take just a moment to remind all of you to be extra safe this Independence Day you may not realize that the fourth of July is statistically one of the most dangerous and even deadly days of the year between grilling fireworks and motor vehicle accidents more people are injured or killed on this day than almost any other day of the year so if you have to be out on the roads please be extra careful and if you or someone you know is shooting off fireworks please make sure you’re doing so safely I and everyone in my office wish you all a happy Independence Day we ask that you remember the principles that our founding fathers fought for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and while you’re celebrating we remind you to be safe and as always if you have any questions about motor vehicle accidents or any other kind of personal injury claim give us a call we’d love to hear from you.