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Halloween Safety Tips from Seattle Personal Injury Lawyer Matt Dubin

Hi everybody this is Seattle personal injury lawyer Matt Dubin and I want to wish everyone a happy Halloween now some of you know I have a six-year-old son so I think a lot about safety on Halloween my family and my son will be going to downtown edmonds where they actually closed all the streets to traffic the stores closed and bring candy and other treats outside and it becomes a party a festival-like atmosphere it’s really the safest option especially for the younger kids so if you’ve got young kids and you want to go out trick-or-treating I strongly encourage you to find a place that’s been set aside to be extra safe for the little kids now if your kids are a little older and they’re going to be trick-or-treating in the neighborhood I just want to give you a couple safety tips that I think could really make a difference first no child should be trick-or-treating alone even if you think they’re old enough their safety and numbers and kids should be out trick-or-treating in groups preferably with an adult present the unexpected can happen any time and it’s a good idea to have a responsible adult with the kids at all times second for the kids and the adults that are with them be extra careful when you’re crossing the street cars aren’t always looking for you it’s dark and wet outside and with the festive mood kids might not be thinking about their own safety but it’s really important take a little extra time on Halloween look both ways and make sure that it’s safe before you cross following these tips could help you have a safe and fun Halloween and for me and everyone in my office we wish you a happy Halloween.