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Claim adjuster joke

I wanted to tell a joke about claims adjustors. There’s got to be a good one out there that’ll get the crowd going, that will set the tone. And so I started researching and looking online for jokes about claims adjusters. How many do you think I found? Has anyone here ever heard a joke about a claims adjuster? No, right? How many people have heard lawyer jokes, right?

Okay so look I have a sense of humor about it. It can be funny. But there’s so many lawyer jokes, right? You know, what’s 20,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start, right?

The thing is – the thing is, it sets a tone. It sets a tone. And I talk about it a little in my book what injury victims are up against. What we’re up against is that perception that lawyers are sharks – that lawyers are greedy, and that they profit on other people’s misery. You know, the fact is most of my clients are hurting and I feel empathy for them. I’ve been where they are. I’ve been hurt myself and yes, I get paid when I get them a recovery. But I’m not profiting from their misery. I’m profiting because the insurance companies won’t do what they agreed to do, which is to compensate them for the suffering that they’ve gone through.

So, in going through this thought process I realized why there aren’t any jokes about claims adjusters. Because it’s not funny. Because their job is to take injured people whose lives have been turned upside down and make sure they don’t get what’s fair.