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Three FAQs about swimming pool accidents

Swimming accidents can result in serious injury. Depending on the details, the owner, manufacturer or installer may be liable.

Pools, splash pads, beaches and water parks offer an enjoyable way to get into the water and make some memories with loved ones. Although fun, these extracurricular activities still pose risk. Even with all the recent safety innovations, pool accidents and drowning events still happen. Proactive steps can be taken to reduce the risk of a tragic accident, and having information about these accidents is often the biggest step towards better ensuring the safety of those you love.

In an effort to help meet this goal, here are three of the more frequently asked questions about pool accidents.

How dangerous are pools?

It is unlikely that anyone would dispute the dangers of pools for little children. Those who are under the age of five do not have the swimming capabilities to prevent themselves from going under the water’s surface. They also tend to lack the self control needed to avoid going into the pool in the first place. The allure of the pool is much too strong for these little ones to consider the dangers that are present.

Unfortunately, many do not realize how dangerous the water is for older children as well. Unintentional drowning remains the second leading cause of death in children under the age of 14, second only to deaths resulting from automobile accidents.

Dangers are also present for adults. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there was an average of 3,868 drowning related deaths annually between the years of 2005 to 2014. This translates to over ten deaths attributed to drowning in the United States every single day.

How do I know if my child is drowning?

There are some drowning incidents that are clear. A child that is flailing his or her arms and bobbing up and down in the water, screaming for help may come to mind. Unfortunately, although clear incidents like this do happen there are other less obvious types of drowning incidents that are far more common. In fact, it is much more common for drowning to happen with little to no sound.

When experiencing a drowning incident, the Instinctive Drowning Response is likely to kick in. This response is the result of the respiratory system focusing on breathing while in distress, instead of on screaming. Instead of waving, a person that is struggling not to drown will subconsciously put the energy into an attempt to stay afloat. This translates to a very quiet drowning event.

What legal remedies are available if my child is injured at a pool?

Legal remedies are available in a number of swimming accident scenarios. This type of accident falls into an area of law referred to as personal injury. Compensation to help cover the costs resulting from the accident is often available if the accident is the result of another’s negligent or reckless actions.

When it comes to pool accidents, various laws and regulations are present to help better ensure the safety of the pool. A failure to follow these rules can support a personal injury claim. This responsibility extends not just to the pool owner, but in some cases can include manufacturers and installers of the pool. This long reach indicates the complexity of these claims. As such, it is wise for those who are injured or lose a loved one in a pool accident to seek legal counsel. An experienced lawyer for swimming pool accidents and help to gather the evidence needed to better ensure a successful case.